The 4th intake of Dual Degree PhD students at the University of Yamanashi, sponsored under the A3I program

The 4th intake of Dual Degree PhD students at the University of Yamanashi, sponsored under the A3I program, is ready to embark on their attachment journey. Wishing you all the best on this incredible adventure!

On the evening of September 12, 2024 (Thursday), 

I conveyed the Letter of Acceptance to three UniMAP postgraduate students who will participate in the Dual Degree program between UniMAP and the University of Yamanashi (UoY). They will engage in research activities in Yamanashi, Japan, for one year, starting at the end of September. All of these students are pursuing their PhD studies in System Integration Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (AI). To date, two UniMAP postgraduate students have successfully completed their studies in this dual degree program, while three others are in the final stages of their studies, and six more are continuing their education. I extend my congratulations and best wishes to all the students involved.